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Job evaluation

QBiDD Advisory uses the Gradar methodology for job evaluation and ensures a consistent, objective, and transparent job evaluation process for all types of organizations and at every job level.

Gradar is a modern, integrated, web-based, and internationally applied job evaluation system. The use of Gradar creates reliable outcomes, ease of use, and a cost-efficient approach to job evaluation projects.

The objectivity and transparency of job evaluation processes are ensured because recognizable, logical, and clear level definitions are used, which are designed to ensure that the differences between job levels are immediately recognizable.

gradar demo

"QBiDD Advisory ensures a consistent, objective, and transparent job evaluation process for all types of organizations and at every job level."

Job evaluation

QBiDD Advisory uses the Gradar methodology for job evaluation and ensures a consistent, objective, and transparent job evaluation process for all types of organizations and at every job level.

Gradar is a modern, integrated, web-based, and internationally applied job evaluation system. The use of Gradar creates reliable outcomes, ease of use, and a cost-efficient approach to job evaluation projects.

The objectivity and transparency of job evaluation processes are ensured because recognizable, logical, and clear level definitions are used, which are designed to ensure that the differences between job levels are immediately recognizable.

gradar demo

"QBiDD Advisory ensures a consistent, objective, and transparent job evaluation process for all types of organizations and at every job level."

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